Monday 6 June 2011

Want Real Happiness?

It has been common sense and common knowledge for a long term that happy people have healthier and more successful lives. Now science backs this common knowledge. Saying that happiness leads to long life, health, resilience and good performance.
 Professor Daniel Kahneman, University of Princeton  says that “Standard of living has increased dramatically and happiness has increased not at all
Here we will explore what real happiness is.
Happiness is not dependent on any circumstances it is an internally condition that results from the decision to be happy and serve the world.If you have followed my stories over any length of time you will know that I grew up in extreme poverty and excruciating childhood abuse. But I can not ever remember being sad. In fact in the village where I grew up I am remembered as one of the happiest kids. My mates in primary school, high school and even college remember me as one of the happiest kids and ever smiling. How is it that a child going through some horrific experiences could be happy and smiling amidst all those troubles?  
This made me set out to study happiness and people who are genuinely happy.Happiness is so real you can feel it around you and it can not be faked. Smiling is not necessarily happiness, but happiness can not do a day without a smile. Happy people smile with courage and purpose. Sometimes or indeed many times they don't like their circumstances but they have the understanding that happiness is an internal condition that is then expressed externally and is not dependent on circumstances.
Victor Frankl In Man's Search for Meaning, he says this:  "...everything can be taken from a man but one thing:  the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way." 

Mr Nelson Mandela is also known for his never failing smile and happiness regardless of what he is going through.
Happy people no matter what they are going through at any particular time will come through victoriously. Wouldn't you like to be a truly consistently happy person?  Receive my 4 Free Incredible Gifts tha will show you  How To Be Happy No Matter What.  Request for them above or go straight to

To your happiness with love Angela